What makes RESTA different?
What makes RESTA different with other companies is a lot of introduction pages and videos to show you how to work with our products. Our professional photo shootings and editing teams always keep searching new techniques for you.
Why we have introduction videos?
- 1. It eases our customers' concerns.
- We believe that it eases your concerns. RESTA's products are all for DIY.
If customers believe that they can DIY, it will create more sales.
- 2. It reduces defects.
- Videos reduce the chance of defects.
It means it reduces a lot of your time responding to your customers' inquiries.
- 3. It creates more customers.
- Our introduction videos are on a video sharing website. People who have watched our videos first, come to RESTA's official website and purchase our products.
If you provide us with your original equipment manufactured products, we will make a promotion video for it.
Japanese traditional materials